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Publications from the lab of Joseph A. Sisneros



95. Jasper CW, Molano O, Fearington F, Sisneros JA, and AB Coffin. (In Press). Reproductive state-dependent cell turnover in the inner ear of the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus). Journal of Experimental Biology.


94. Vetter BJ, Perelmuter JT, Lozier NR, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. (In Press). Brain activation patterns and dopaminergic neuron activity in response to conspecific advertisement calls in reproductive vs. non-reproductive male plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus). Brain, Behavior and Evolution


93. Lucke K, MacGillivray AO, Halvorsen MB, Ainslie MA, Zeddies DG, and JA Sisneros. 2024. Recommendations on bioacoustical metrics relevant for regulating exposure to anthropogenic underwater sound. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156: 2508-2526.


92. Guan S, Popper AN, Haxel J, Martin J, Miller JH, Nedelec S, Potty G, Roberts L, Sisneros JA, Dangerfield A. 2024. Research methodologies to study behavioral and physiological effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates from particle motion and substrate-borne vibration exposure. Sterling (VA): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. 102 p. Obligation No. 140M0123Q0027. Report No.: OCS Study BOEM 2024-036


91. Popper AN, Sisneros JA, Hawkins AD, and F Thomsen. 2024. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations, Vols.1-3, Springer, Cham.


90. Sisneros JA, Thomsen F, Lepper P, Scholik-Schomer AR, Hawkins AD, and AN Popper. 2024. Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: An Overview of the Berlin Conference. In: Popper AN, Sisneros JA, Hawkins, AD, and F Thomsen (Eds). Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. Springer, Cham.


89. Popper AN, Amorim C, Fine ML, Higgs DM, Mensinger AF, and JA Sisneros. 2024. Introduction to the special issue on fish bioacoustics: Hearing and sound communication. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 155: 2385-2391.



88. Rogers LS, Lozier NR, Sapozhnikova YP, Diamond KM, Davis JL, and JA Sisneros. 2023. Functional plasticity of the swim bladder as an acoustic organ for communication in a vocal fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences290: 20231839. https://doi/10.1098/rspb.2023.1839 (Cover article)(Featured in Outside JEB - Fish hum, grunt and growl with their swim bladder)


87.Jasper C, Molano O, Farbod L, Hayward T, Sisneros JA, and AB Coffin. 2023.  Plainfin midshipman fish: "Songbirds of the sea." Frontiers for Young Minds 11:112439.


​​86. Balebail S and JA Sisneros. 2023. Natural ambient sounds as sources of biologically relevant information and noise for fishes. In: Popper AN, Sisneros JA, Hawkins, AD, and F Thomsen (Eds). Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. Springer, Cham.


85. Scholik-Schlomer AR, Erbe C, Hawkins AD, Lepper P, Thomsen F, Popper AN, and J Sisneros. 2023. Evolution of "The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life" meetings: 2007 to 2022. In: Popper AN, Sisneros JA, Hawkins, AD, and F Thomsen (Eds). Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. Springer, Cham.


84. Schulte-Fortkamp B, Fiebig A, Sisneros JA, Popper AN, and RR Fay. 2023. Soundscapes: Humans and Their Acoustic Environment. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. 76, Springer, Cham.




83. Rogers LS, Coffin AB, and JA Sisneros. 2022. Reproductive state modulates utricular auditory sensitivity in a vocal fish. Journal of Neurophysiology 128: 1344-1354. doi:10.1152/jn.00315.2022 (Cover article)


82. Popper AN, Hawkins AD, and JA Sisneros. 2022. Fish hearing "specialization" - a re-evaluation. Hearing Research 425:108393. (Cover article)


81. Sisneros (2022) Conversation with a colleague: Joseph A. Sisneros: the soniferous life of midshipman fish. Acoustics Today 18(2): 72-75.


80. Balebail S and JA Sisneros. 2022. Long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin midshipman fish are honest indicators of size and condition. Journal of Experimental Biology 225: jeb243889. doi:10.1242/jeb.243889


79. Popper AN and JA Sisneros. 2022. The sound world of zebrafish: a critical review of hearing assessment. Zebrafish 19: 37-48.(Cover article)​


78. Ghahramani ZN, Perelmuter JT, Varughese J, Kyaw P, Palmer WC, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2022. Activation of noradrenergic locus coeruleus and social behavior network nuclei varies with duration of male midshipman advertisement calls. Behavioural Brain Research 423:113745



77. Perelmuter JT, Hom KN, Mohr RA, Demis L, Kim S, Chernenko A, Timothy M, Middleton MA, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2021. Testosterone treatment mimics seasonal downregulation of dopamine innervation in the auditory system of female midshipman fish. Integrative and Comparative Biology 61:269-282.


76. Zeng R, Brown AD, Rogers LS, Lawrence OT, Clark JI, and JA Sisneros. 2021. Age-related loss of auditory sensitivity in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Hearing Research




75. Lozier NR and JA Sisneros. 2020. Ontogeny of inner ear saccular development in the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus). Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 95:330-340. 
doi: 10.1159/000516477


74. Rogers LS and JA Sisneros. 2020. Auditory evoked potentials of utricular hair cells in the plainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatusJournal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb226464, doi:10.1242/jeb.226464.


73. Thomsen F, Erbe C, Hawkins A, Lepper P, Popper AN, Scholick-Schlomer A, and J Sisneros. 2020. Introduction to the special issue on the effects of sound on aquatic life. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America148, 934, doi: 10.1121/10.0001725


72. Vetter BJ and JA Sisneros. 2020. Swim bladder enhances lagenar sensitivity to sound pressure and higher frequencies in female plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus). Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb225177. doi:10.1242/jeb.225177




71. Carlson BA, Sisneros JA, Popper AN, and RR Fay RR. 2019. Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. 70, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York. (link)


70. Carlson BA and JA Sisneros. 2019. A brief history of electrogenesis and electroreception in fishes. In: Carlson BA, Sisneros JA, Popper AN, and RR Fay (Eds) Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. 70, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York. (link)


69. Lozier NR and JA Sisneros. 2019. Reproductive-state dependent changes in saccular hair cell density of the vocal male plainfin midshipman fish. Hearing Research 383:107805 
(Cover article)


68. Erbe C, Sisneros J, Thomsen F, Lepper P, Hawkins A, Popper A. 2019. Overview of the fifth international conference on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 37:001001.


67. Brown, AD, Zeng R, and JA Sisneros. 2019.  Auditory evoked potentials of the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus): Implications for directional hearing. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb198655. doi:10.1242/jeb.198655


66. Popper AN, Hawkins AD, Sand O, and JA Sisneros. 2019. Examining the hearing capabilities of fishes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(2):948-955.


65. Colleye O, Vetter BJ, Mohr RA, Seeley LH, and JA Sisneros. 2019. Sexually dimorphic swim bladder extensions enhance the auditory sensitivity of female plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb204552. doi:10.1242/jeb.204552.  (Featured in Inside JEB - Swim bladder projections help amorous female plainfin midshipman’s hearing)


64. Perelmuter JT, Wilson AB, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2019. Forebrain dopamine system regulates inner ear auditory sensitivity to socially relevant acoustic signals. Current Biology 29:2190–2198.


63.  Vetter BJ, Seeley LH, and JA Sisneros. 2019.  Lagenar potentials of the vocal plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Comparative Physiology A. 205:163-175.


62.  Seeley LH, Forlano PM, Seeley AH, and JA Sisneros. 2019. Teaching acoustics in an interdisciplinary context with "singing" fish". European Journal of Physics 40:025801 (11pp).



61.  Bhandiwad AA, Raible DW, Rubel EW, and JA Sisneros. 2018. Noise-induced hypersensitization of the acoustic startle response in larval zebrafish. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 19: 741–752.


60.  Ghahramani ZN, Timothy M, Varughese J, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2018. Dopaminergic neurons are preferentially responsive to advertisement calls and co-active with social behavior network nuclei in sneaker male midshipman fish. Brain Research 1701:177-188.


59.  Uribe PM, Villapando BK, Lawton KJ, Fang Z, Gritsenko D, Bhandiwad A, Sisneros JA, Xu J, and AB Coffin. 2018. Larval zebrafish lateral line as a model for acoustic trauma. eNeuro 5(4) e0206-18.2018 1–17.


58.  Mohr RA, Chang Y, Bhandiwad AA, Forlano PM, and JA Sisneros. 2018. Brain activation patterns in response to conspecific and heterospecific social acoustic signals in female plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusBrain, Behavior and Evolution 91:31-44. (Cover article)

57.  Bose A, Cogliati KM, Luymes N, Bass AH, Marchaterre MA, Sisneros JA, Bolker B, and S Balshine. 2018. Phenotypic traits and resource quality as factors affecting male reproductive success in a toadfish. Behavioral Ecology 29:496-507.



56.  Mohr RA, Whitchurch EA, Anderson RD, Forlano PM, Fay RR, Ketten DR, Cox TC, and JA Sisneros. 2017. Intra- and Intersexual swim bladder dimorphisms in the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus): implications of swim bladder proximity to the inner ear for sound pressure detection. Journal of Morphology 278: 1458-1468.


55.  Forlano PM, Licorish RR, Ghahramani ZN, Timothy M, Ferrari M, Palmer WC and JA Sisneros. 2017. Attention and motivated response to simulated male advertisement call activates female forebrain dopaminergic and social decision-making network nuclei in female midshipman fish. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57:820-834.


54.  Bhandiwad AA, Whitchurch EA, Colleye O, Zeddies DG, and JA Sisneros. 2017. Seasonal plasticity of auditory saccular sensitivity in "sneaker" type II male plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203:211-222.




53.  Monroe JD, Manning DP, Uribe PM, Bhandiwad AA, Sisneros JA, Smith ME and AB Coffin. 2016. Hearing sensitivity differs between zebrafish lines used in auditory research. Hearing Research 341:220-231


52.  Erbe C, Sisneros J, Thomsen F, Hawkins A, Popper A. 2016. Overview of the fourth international conference on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27:010006.


51.  Bass AH, Sisneros JA, Fay RR, and AN Popper. 2016. Hearing and Hormones. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. 57, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York. (link)


50.  Forlano PM, Maruska KP, Sisneros JA, and AH Bass. 2016. Hormone-dependent plasticity of auditory systems in fishes. In: Bass AH, Sisneros JA, Fay RR, and AN Popper (Eds) Hearing and Hormones. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. 57, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York. (link)


49. Sisneros JA. 2016. Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


48.  Sisneros JA. 2016. Prelude to the anthology in honor Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


47.  Sisneros JA. 2016. A most interesting man of science: the life and research of Richard Rozzell Fay. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 13-30, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


46.  Sisneros JA and PH Rogers. 2016. Directional hearing and sound source localization in fishes. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 121-155, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


45.  Bhandiwad AA and JA Sisneros. 2016. Revisiting psychoacoustic methods for the assessment of fish hearing. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 157-184, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


44.  Maruska KP and JA Sisneros. 2016. Comparison of electrophysiological auditory measures in fishes. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 227-254, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


43.  Vasconcelos RO, Alderks PW and JA Sisneros. 2016. The development of structure and sensitivity of the fish inner ear. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 291-318, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


42.  Forlano PM and JA Sisneros. 2016. Neuroanatomical evidence for catecholamines as modulators of audition and acoustic behavior in a vocal teleost. In: Sisneros JA (Ed) Fish Hearing and Bioacoustics: An anthology in honor of Arthur N. Popper and Richard R. Fay. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 877, pp. 439-475, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


41.  Brown AD, Sisneros JA, Jurasin T, and AB Coffin. 2016. Effects of hatchery rearing on mechanosensory systems in salmonids. In: Popper AN, Hawkins AD (eds) Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 875, pp. 117-124, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)


40.  Sisneros JA, Popper AN, Hawkins AD, and RR Fay. 2016. Auditory Evoked Potential audiograms compared to behavioral audiograms in aquatic animals. In: Popper AN, Hawkins AD (eds) Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 875, pp. 1049-1056, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. (link)




39.  Faber-Hammond J, Samanta MP, Whitchurch EA, Manning D, Sisneros JA, and AB Coffin. 2015. Saccular transcriptome profiles of the seasonal breeding plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus), a teleost with divergent sexual phenotypes. Public Library of Science One 10(11):e0142814


38.  Vasconcelos RO, Alderks PW, Ramos A, Fonseca PJ, Amorim MCP, and JA Sisneros. 2015. Vocal differentiation parallels development of auditory saccular sensitivity in a highly soniferous fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 218:2864-2872.(Featured in Inside JEB - Toadfish hearing improves with age)


37.  Forlano PM, Sisneros JA, Rohmann KN, and AH Bass. 2015. Neuroendocrine control of seasonal plasticity in the auditory and vocal systems of fish. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 37:129-145.


36.  Maruska KP and JA Sisneros. 2015. Sex steroid-dependent modulation of acoustic communication systems in fishes. In: Ladich F (ed), Sound Communication in Fishes,Vol. 4 of Animal Signals and Communication, pp. 207-233. Spring-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. (link)




35.  Forlano PM, Kim SD, Krzyminska ZM, and JA Sisneros. 2014. Catecholaminergic connectivity to the inner ear, central auditory, and vocal motor circuitry in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Comparative Neurology 522:2887-2927. (Cover article)


34.  Coffin AB, Zeddies DG, Fay RR, Brown AD, Alderks PW, Bhandiwad AA, Mohr RA, Gray MD, Rogers PH and JA Sisneros. 2014. Use of the swim bladder and lateral line in near-field sound source localization by fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:2078-2088



33.  Alderks PW and JA Sisneros. 2013. Development of the acoustically evoked behavioral response in larval plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusPublic Library of Science One 8(12):e82182.


32.  Bhandiwad AA, Zeddies DG, Raible DW, Rubel EW and JA Sisneros. 2013. Auditory sensitivity of larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) measured using a behavioral prepulse inhibition assay. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:3504-3513.


31.  Petersen CL, Timothy M, Kim DS, Bhandiwad AA, Mohr RA, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2013. Exposure to advertisement calls of reproductive competitors activates vocal-acoustic and catecholaminergic neurons in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusPublic Library of Science One 8(8):e70474


30.  Brown AD, Sisneros JA, Jurasin T, Nguyen C, and AB Coffin. 2013. Differences in lateral line morphology between hatchery- and wild-origin steelhead. Public Library of Science One 8(3):e59162.



29.  Gardiner JM, Hueter RE, Maruska KP, Sisneros JA, Casper BM, Mann DA and LS Demski. 2012. Sensory Physiology and Behavior of Elasmobranchs. In: Carrier, JC, Musick, JA and MR Heithaus (eds), Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, 2nd edition, pp. 349-401. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (link)


28.  Sisneros JA. 2012. Adaptive auditory plasticity for social communication in the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus). Bioacoustics 21:21-23.


27.  Coffin AB, Mohr RA, and JA Sisneros. 2012. Saccular-specific hair cell addition correlates with reproductive state-dependent changes in the auditory saccular sensitivity of a vocal fish. Journal of Neuroscience 32:1366-1376. (Summary in This Week in the Journal of Neuroscience - Hair Cell Density Varies Seasonally in Singing Fish)


26.  Zeddies DG, Fay RR, Gray MD, Alderks PW, Acob A, and JA Sisneros. 2012. Local acoustic particle motion guides sound source localization behavior in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Experimental Biology 215:152-160.



25.  Vasconcelos RO, Sisneros JA, Amorim MCP, and PJ Fonseca. 2011. Auditory saccular sensitivity of the vocal Lusitanian toadfish: low frequency tuning allows acoustic communication throughout the year. Journal of Comparative Physiology (A) 197:903-913


24.  Zeddies DG, Fay RR, and JA Sisneros. 2011. Sound Source Localization and Directional Hearing in Fishes. In Farrell, AP (ed.), Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 1, pp. 298-303. San Diego: Academic Press. (link)


23.  Alderks PW and JA Sisneros. 2011. Ontogeny of auditory saccular sensitivity in the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus). Journal of Comparative Physiology (A) 197:387-398


22.  Brown AD, Mussen TD, Sisneros JA, and AB Coffin. 2011. Reevaluating the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics in behavioral studies of the lateral line. Hearing Research 272:1-4. 



21.  Zeddies DG, Fay RR, Alderks PW, Shaub KS, and JA Sisneros. 2010. Sound source localization by the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of the Acoustical Society of America 127:3104-3113



20.  Sisneros, JA. 2009. Seasonal plasticity of auditory saccular sensitivity in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Neurophysiology 102:1121-1131


19.  Sisneros JA. 2009. Steroid-dependent auditory plasticity for the enhancement of acoustic communication: recent insights from a vocal teleost fish. Hearing Research 252:9-14


18.  Sisneros JA, Alderks, PW, Leon, K and B Sniffen. 2009. Morphometric changes associated with the reproductive cycle and behaviour of the interidal-nesting, male plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Fish Biology 74:18-36


17.  Sisneros JA. 2009. Adaptive hearing in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish: getting in tune for the breeding season and its implications for acoustic communication. Integrative Zoology 4:33-42


16.  Forlano PM, Remage-Healey L, Sisneros JA and AH Bass. 2007. Steroid-induced plasticity in the auditory and vocal motor system: Recent studies in a teleost fish. In: Canonaco, M and RM Facciolo (eds), Evolutionary Molecular Strategies and Plasticity, pp 25-50. Research Signpost, Kerala, India. 


15.  Sisneros JA 2007. Saccular potentials of the vocal plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatusJournal of Comparative Physiology (A) 193:413-424


14.  Sisneros JA and AH Bass 2005. Ontogenetic changes in the response properties of individual, primary auditory afferents in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus, Girard). Journal of Experimental Biology 208:3121-3131. (Cover article)

(Featured in Inside JEB - Fish Sing, Fish Hear)



13.  Sisneros JA, Forlano PM, Deitcher DL and AH Bass. 2004. Steroid-dependent auditory plasticity leads to adaptive coupling of sender and receiver. Science 305:404-407.
(Featured in Perspectives - Heeding the Hormonal Call)


12.  Tricas TC and JA Sisneros. 2004. Ecological functions and adaptations of the elasmobranch electrosense. In: von der Emde, G, Mogdans, J, and BG Kapoor (eds), The Senses of Fishes: Adaptations for the Reception of Natural Stimuli, pp 308-329. Narosa Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India. 


11.  Sisneros JA, Forlano PM, Knapp R and AH Bass. 2004. Seasonal variation of steroid hormone levels in an intertidal-nesting fish, the vocal plainfin midshipman. General and Comparative Endocrinology 136:101-116.  (Cover article)


10.  Hueter RE, Mann DA, Maruska KP, Sisneros JA and LS Demski. 2004. Sensory Biology of Elasmobranchs. In: Carrier, JC, Musick, JA and MR Heithaus (eds), The Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, pp 325-368. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 

2003 and Years Prior


9.  Sisneros JA and AH Bass. 2003. Seasonal plasticity of peripheral auditory frequency sensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience 23:1049-1058.  (Summary in This Week in the Journal of Neuroscience - Getting in Tune for the Summer)


8.  Sisneros JA and TC Tricas. 2002. Neuroethology and life history adaptations of the elasmobranch electric sense. Journal of Physiology (Paris) 96:379-389


7.  Sisneros JA and TC Tricas. 2002. Ontogenetic changes in the response properties of the peripheral electrosensory system in the Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina). Brain, Behavior and Evolution 59:130-140.  (Cover article)


6.  Sisneros JA, Marchaterre MA, and AH Bass. 2002. Otolithic endorgan projections of the inner ear in a vocal fish. Bioacoustics 12:137-139 


5.  Sisneros JA and DR Nelson. 2001. Surfactants as chemical shark repellents: past, present, and future. Environmental Biology of Fishes 60:117-129


4.  Sisneros JA and TC Tricas. 2000. Androgen-induced changes in the response dynamics of ampullary electrosensory primary afferent neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 20:8586-8595


3.  Sisneros JA, Tricas TC, and CA Luer. 1998. Response properties and biological function of the skate electrosensory system during ontogeny. Journal of Comparative Physiology (A) 183:87-99


2.  Nelson DR, McKibben JN, Strong WR, Lowe CG, Sisneros JA, Schroeder DM, and RJ Lavenberg. 1997. Acoustic tracking of a Megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios: a diurnal vertical migrator. Environmental Biology of Fishes 49:389-399


1.  Tricas TC, Michael SW, and JA Sisneros. 1995. Electrosensory optimization to conspecific phasic signals for mating. Neuroscience Letters 202:129-131


Dissertation and Thesis


Sisneros JA. 1999. Ontogenetic and androgen-induced changes in the response properties and function of the elasmobranch electrosensory system. Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida Institute of Technology, 116 pp.


Sisneros JA. 1993. Effect of molecular structure on the shark repellent potency of anionic surfactants. Master's thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 77pp.

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Sisneros Laboratory
408 Guthrie Hall
Department of Psychology
University of Washington

Contact Info:
Joseph Sisneros,
Office phone: 206-543-8893, 
Lab phone: 206-543-5313

© 2018  created by J.A.Sisneros

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