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Lab News:

Sept 2024 - The lab welcomes new graduate student Aoi Hunsaker to the Sisneros Lab. 

July 2024 - Sujay successfully defends his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Balebail!  

March 2024 - Loranzie's paper on the Functional plasticity of the swim bladder as an acoustic
organ or communication in a vocal fish was featured in the Journal of Experimental Biology
Outside JEB! Congrats LJ!


Dec 2023 -  Loranzie's paper on the Functional plasticity of the swim bladder as an acoustic
organ or communication
in a vocal fish was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal
Society B and was selected for the cover! Congratulations LJ!

July 2023 - Loranzie moves to Boston to start a postdoc at Harvard University in the lab of Nick
Bellono. Congratulatons and Best Fishes!

June 2023 - Loranzie successfully defends his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Rogers!

March 2023 - Loranzie's paper on Reproductive state modulates utricular auditory senstivitiy in a
vocal fish is selected for the cover of the Journal of Neurophysiology. Congratulations LJ! 

Oct 2022 -  Loranzie's paper on how reproductive state modulates utricular auditory senstivitiy in
the midshpman was published in the Journal of Neurophysiology. Congratulations Loranzie!

Sept 2022 - The lab welcomes new graduate student Sofia Gray to the Sisneros Lab.
Welcome Sofia!

March 2022 - Sujay's paper on the long duration advertisement calls of nesting male plainfin

midshipman was accepted for publication by the Journal of Experimental Biology. Congratulations



March 2022 - Congratulations Ruiyu Zeng on successfully defending her dissertation. Congrats
Dr. Zeng!

July 2021 - Loranzie and Joe were awarded as a student-adviser pair for the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute 
Gilliam Fellowship (class of 2021)

May 2021 - Congratulations to Sujay for receiving $5,000 grant from Vulcan, Inc.

May 2021 - Congratulations to Will Palmer on being accepted to the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
program at Yale University. Congrats Will!

January 2021 - Ruiyu's paper on age-related loss in auditory sensitivity of zebrafish was accepted
for publication by Hearing Research. Congratulations Ruiyu!


September 2020 - We say good by to Nick as he moves to Pittsburgh to start a postdoc position at
University of Pittsburgh in the lab of Dr. Maria Rubio. Congratulations Nick!

August 2020 - Sujay passes his Ph.D. General Exam! He is now officially a Ph.C. (candidate).
Congratulations Sujay!

August 2020 - Congratulations Nick Lozier successfully defends his dissertation. Congrats Dr. Lozier!


June 2020 -  We say good bye to Brooke as she starts her new position as an Assistant Professor

in the Department of Biology at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. Congratulations Brooke!

April 2020 - The Stone & Sisneros Labs at UW are recruiting a shared Ph.D. student in Psychology for Autumn

2021 focusing on how estrogen regulates cellular and molecular changes in auditory sensitivity of the vocal plainfin midshipman leading to enhanced acoustic communication. The application deadline is December 1, 2020. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Jennifer Stone ( and Dr. Joseph Sisneros ( for further information.

April 2020 - The lab receives a $766,000 grant from NSF to investigate how estrogen regulates

molecular changes in auditory sensitivity of the vocal plainfin midshipman.


Jan 2020 Brooke accepts a job as an Assistant Professor at the University of St. Thomas.

Congratulations Professor Vetter!

Nov 2019 - Nick's paper on Reproductive-state dependent changes in saccular hair cell
density of the vocal 
male plainfin midshipman fish is selected for the cover of Hearing
Research. Congratulations Nick! 

Sept 2019 - Nick's paper on Reproductive-state dependent changes in saccular hair cell
density of the vocal male plainfin midshipman fish
is accepted by Hearing Research.

July 2019 - Collaborative research with the Forlano Lab (Jon Perelmuter and Paul Forlano)
"Forebrain dopamine system regulates inner ear auditory sensitivity to socially relevant
acoustic signals"
is published in Current Biology.

June 2019 - Joe receives a three year Virginia Merrill Bloedel Scholarship.

June 2019 - Brooke Vetter receives an additional year of postdoctoral fellowship on the NIH Auditory Neuroscience Training Grant. Congratulations Brooke!

April 2019 - Loranzie Rogers will be joining the Sisneros Lab during Autumn 2019. A big welcome to LJ! 


Feb 2019 - Brooke, Nick and Joe present their research at the annual meeting of the Association
for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) in Baltimore.

July 2018 - Our lab's midshipman research in collaboration with the Coffin Lab (WSU) is
featured on


                                     Listen to interview here

April  2018 - Rob's paper on brain activation to social signals is selected as the cover article
for Brain, Behavior and Evolution!

Feb 2018 - Nick and Ruiyu present their research at the annual meeting of the Association
for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) in San Diego.


Jan 2018 - Rob's paper on brain activation to social acoustic signals is accepted by Brain,
Behavior and Evolution.

Jan 2018 - Rob starts his new job at Amazon Spheres. Congrats Rob.

Dec 2017- Ruiyu and Nick pass their general exams. Congrats Ph.D candidates!

Dec 2017- Rob successfully defends his dissertation. Congratulations Dr Mohr!

June 2017 - Rob's paper on midshipman swim bladder sexual dimorphisms is accepted by
Journal of Morphology. Congrats Rob!


June 2017 - Brooke Vetter joins the lab. Welcome Brooke!

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Sisneros Laboratory
408 Guthrie Hall
Department of Psychology
University of Washington

Contact Info:
Joseph Sisneros,
Office phone: 206-543-8893, 
Lab phone: 206-543-5313

© 2018  created by J.A.Sisneros

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